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Showing posts with label coson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coson. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2020



All flags at COSON House in Ikeja, the headquarters of Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), are now flying at half mast in celebration of the life of Nigeria’s iconic reggae singer and frontline member of COSON, Majek Fashek, who passed on in New York in the evening of the 1st of June.
A condolence register has also been opened at the reception of COSON House for all those who want to pay tribute to the memory of this unique Nigerian artiste to do so. Also, videos of the remarkable performances of Majek Fashek are playing on the various video screens at COSON House.

Speaking on the passing of the reggae legend, COSON Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji said, “In various ways, we will celebrate the life of this incredibly talented Nigerian. I hope that before the day is over, I will speak with Randy, his son who lives in New York. We have to deal with the time difference between Lagos and New York and we will make the necessary announcements.
“Everyone knows that Majek Fashek was not just my colleague. He was my friend. He stood by my side and supported me from head to toe over many years. We have shared many memorable moments together. His passing on tears at my heart but I am consoled by the fact that there is no need to immortalize Majek Fashek. He has immortalized himself through his unforgettable songs and lyrics. We will celebrate Majek Fashek to inspire the young people in the creative family”
“There is almost nothing that COSON has done that Majek Fashek did not fully participate in. He was 100% dedicated to the COSON cause. Majek was not just a COSON member by name. He was a COSON member in his heart and indeed. All COSON members across Nigeria and all of our staff at COSON House which he visited regularly, will greatly miss this Nigerian of incomparable talent, the great “rain maker”. Since yesterday, it has been raining across the nation. It has to as the great Rainmaker transits. It is said that Rastas never die. I take it that my brother, friend and colleague, the iconic Majek Fashek has not died, He has travelled and one day, we will join and make music together”.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

PLEASE DON’T SET UP A CMO! Tony Okoroji warns


YOU WANT TO BE RICH? PLEASE DON’T SET UP A CMO! Chief Tony Okoroji Warns those who wants to get rich by any means.

This week, on the 20th of May 2020, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the official take-off of the operations of COSON which has become Nigeria’s must successful and most admired copyright Collective Management Organization (CMO).
On the same 20th of May, we marked the 3rd anniversary of the commissioning of the COSON House in Ikeja which continues to sparkle and which my communications team does not talk about without prefixing with the adjective, “magnificent”.
Yes, we always wish to remind everyone that there is not one Naira of government money in the acquisition and construction of the “magnificent COSON House”, no donor dollar or pound came from anywhere and that we acquired, built and equipped COSON House with no bank loan and no debt of any type. The sparkling national green colour of COSON House tends to suggest to some people that it is federal government property. No! COSON has never received any type of money from the government.
Fired up by our exhilarating slogan, “let the music pay!”, COSON has in its ten years of operation, distributed hundreds of millions of Naira as royalties to its members and affiliates. Just recently in April 2020, even with the major bank accounts of COSON frozen and the issues in court, COSON in a responsive and responsible manner reacted to the suffering of its thousands of members across the country under the pressure of the COVID 19 lockdown. The society became the first Nigerian institution to provide anti Coronavirus palliatives to its members at a time of great need. At first, =N=50 million was approved by the COSON Board for this purpose. An additional =N=22.5 million was later approved. The distribution has been done in a very structured, professional and transparent manner which has been widely celebrated by members of COSON and others.
You know what? Now, everybody wants to set up a CMO! In the typical Nigerian fashion, all the people who want to make quick money think that they can replicate COSON. They want to turn the very complex system of collective management of copyright into their new “pure water” business in which everyone has his own cheap cellophane designs littering the streets.
Not too long ago, I was President of PMAN. With a driven team, clear vision and never-say-die passion, I worked 25 hours every day, eight days a week, to make PMAN a glorious national brand. Everyone across the world, from the President of the Federal Republic, governors, ambassadors and stars of all colours wanted to associate and rub shoulders with PMAN. PMAN became a much-admired name and the toast of the nation. And the dam broke!
Every musician in Nigeria who could afford a tokunbo SUV began to see himself as President of PMAN. To be PMAN President became the burning ambition of a lot. At some point, there were four people simultaneously calling themselves PMAN President! With all due respect, none of them understood the vision or the mission. PMAN is a registered trade union but none of the ‘Presidents’ had ever read the Trade Union Act or even the PMAN constitution. We all can see where it has led PMAN.
In my service to the creative industry in our nation, I have always been driven by those almost forgotten words, “together we stand, divided we fall”. The strength of PMAN came from the bringing together of diverse people across Nigeria to share in one vision. I toured nearly every nook and cranny of Nigeria to make that possible. It required an incredible amount of work, loads and loads of battles and heaps and heaps of personal sacrifice. Everywhere, I had to know what I was talking about. So, I had to study everyday and study very hard. Take it from me, there is nothing worse than an ignorant leader.
Either as President of PMAN or Chairman of COSON, I have never gone into a meeting or discussions without first getting a good grasp of the relevant laws, the rules, the issues, the statistics or the trends. I believe that every great leader must remain a student through his tenure with the appetite to learn as much as possible. I wish to repeat that there is nothing worse than an ignorant leader.
I have repeatedly told people that you can never become rich by doing the kind of work that I do. What drives you must be the genuine love of people and not the love of self. You can never build a great trade union or an outstanding CMO if you are driven by self interest or the interest of you and your handful of friends. When you lead a CMO, you work for others and not for self.
I see all the people positioning themselves to launch new CMOs in Nigeria and ask myself whether they truly understand what it takes to make a CMO work. Do they know how many years of study, work and patience it has taken COSON to be where it is? Do they have the requisite technical knowledge? Do they know how many court cases that litter the road COSON has had to travel? Do they think that there is anyone out there with bags of money waiting to give to them just upon their asking? Do they think that there would be no new arguments, quarrels or disagreements within whatever contraptions they have in mind?
I look around and I see all the people who not long ago thought they would become super rich by becoming PMAN President and I ask, “how did it pan out guys?”
That is why I say that setting up a CMO is not pure water business. If you want to be rich?... Please, don’t set up a CMO!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Chief Tony Okoroji says Thank you

On this 20th day of May 2020, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the official take-off of the operations of Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON) which has become Nigeria’s must successful and most admired copyright collective management organization.
When we began our journey on May 20, 2010, very few people gave us any chance of success. We had been told, over and over again, that collective management of copyright would never work in Nigeria and that the Nigerian creative industry lacked the discipline to build the stable and complex institution required to make collective management a success. With very focused leadership and fired up by our slogan, “let the music pay!”, COSON has broken that tough jinx and has built an institution that works.
From Day 1, we have kept strictly to every rule in the book and complied with every law of our nation. For ten years, we never missed one Annual General Meeting and every year, we have had our AGM in the month of May, the month we celebrate our take-off. At each of our AGMs, we have invited a cross section of the media to follow and report our very open discussions and deliberations. Transparency has been our watchword and we had our meetings in the open because at COSON we have never had anything to hide. Indeed, apart from the statutorily prescribed Annual General Meeting, we also held an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting every December at which our members had an open opportunity to discuss every issue. The COSON Board had fixed a date for the 2020 COSON Annual General Meeting this May in the COSON tradition. Unfortunately, because of the COVID 19 restrictions, the AGM would have to be held on another date.
Without the prompting of anyone, the COSON accounts have been audited every single year by auditors appointed by our Annual General Meetings as required by the Companies & Allied Matters Act (CAMA). We have had the audited accounts reviewed and approved by our AGM as required by law and filed each annual return with the Corporate Affairs Commission and sent an activity report made up of hundreds of pages every year to the NCC. Without any question, COSON has been the most transparent and accountable organization in the history of the Nigerian creative industry.
When the COSON House was commissioned exactly three years ago, a lot of people were surprised that there was not one Naira of government money in the acquisition and construction of this magnificent building, no donor dollar or pound came from anywhere and that we acquired, built and equipped COSON House with no bank loan and no debt of any type. COSON has never received any money from the government.
For ten years, except for one month, the month of December 2018 when all the COSON bank accounts were mysteriously frozen without notice, not one of the highly trained staff of COSON has received his or her salary one day late. It is also a fact that no COSON member has ever paid any registration fee, monthly dues or subscription of any type to COSON yet every COSON member is entitled to some income from us every year.
In its ten years of operation, COSON has distributed hundreds of millions of Naira as royalties to its members and affiliates. In April 2020, even with the major bank accounts of COSON still frozen and the issues in court, COSON in a responsive and responsible manner reacted to the suffering of its thousands of members across the country under the pressure of the COVID 19 lockdown. The society became the first Nigerian institution to provide such palliatives to its members at a time of great need. At first, =N=50 million was approved by the COSON Board for this purpose. An additional =N=22.5 million was later approved. The distribution has been done in a very structured, professional and transparent manner which has been widely celebrated by members of COSON.
We are very proud of the success that COSON has achieved which is a product of the leadership’s laser focused dedication to defending the interest and welfare of our members and the deft management of our resources.
Unfortunately, the COSON outstanding success also became our albatross. As it has become clear that we have broken the jinx and built an organization which across the continent is being celebrated, several midnight plots and gang-ups began to emerge. All kind of plots have been hatched to hijack for a few people COSON which we have built as a pan-Nigerian organization to provide succor to all owners of musical works and sound recordings in every nook and cranny of the Nigerian nation. All kinds of false stories have been manufactured and spread to tarnish the image of our great organization. Fortunately, despite all the stones thrown at COSON, our organization continues to stand firm. Despite the many attempts to derail COSON, our organization continues to stand strong, proving the fact that the Nigerian creative industry finally has an institution with roots strong enough to withstand the rascality that has caused our industry great instability and destroyed creative industry institutions in our country.
This success is not just due to the leadership but also to the membership which has overwhelmingly shown unflinching support to COSON and those of our licensees and partners who have continued to pledge their faith in COSON.
As we commence a new stage of our journey, COSON has announced key changes in the management of the society with Ms. Bernice Eriemeghe, a well-trained and experienced professional accountant taking over as General Manager from Mr. Chinedu Chukwuji. This transition has been done in a very friendly manner with strong camaraderie and warmth, once again proving the maturity of the leadership available to COSON.
Going forward, the COSON Board has directed the management team to be laser focused on making COSON a first class international organization driven by data, digital technology, transparency and accountability with the clear objective being the happiness and well-being of our members and other stakeholders.
I have no doubt that once again we will deliver and make the members of COSON proud. We will also make all Nigerians who appreciate good things in our country happy.
My heartfelt thanks to all of you.
Chairman, COSON
May 20, 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020




photo of tony okoroji

It will be recalled that Justice Josephine  Oyefeso of the High Court of Lagos State in Ikeja, last year ordered Artiste Manager, Efe Omorogbe of Now Muzik to pay COSON Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji a total of =N=200,000.00 as cost for truncating  trial in two undefended defamation cases brought by Chief Okoroji against Omorogbe. Just as the trials were about to begin in Justice Oyefeso’s court, Omorogbe’s lawyer rushed to court to beg the judge to suspend the trial so that Omorogbe could file defence to the suits.
For over 9 months, Mr. Omorogbe struggled, failed or neglected to pay the money prompting Okoroji’s lawyers to write to him warning him that if he did not pay the money within two weeks, Garnishee proceedings would be commenced to levy execution on Omorogbe’s property over the debt. As a result, Efe Omorogbe rushed to pay the sum of =N=200,000.00 to the account of Whitedove Solicitors, lawyers to Chief Tony Okoroji.
Unknown to many, the =N=200,000.00 was treated as war bounty at COSON House and Okoroji’s TOPS Ltd, both in Ikeja and among Chief Okoroji’s friends and relations. To many of Okoroji’s people, the money was seen as appetizer in what they consider to be the fruits of a main dish of damages to come as a price for  Omorogbe’s audacity to organize a failed ‘coup’ against the man considered by many to be his mentor and friend and the attempt to widely rubbish the name and character of the most respected former president of PMAN.
Tony Okoroji, the master of copyright royalty distribution, took the position that the money did not belong to him but to the many people who have stood by him in the war declared against him by the Efe Omorogbe led gang.
A source close to Chief Okoroji says that over one hundred people got a share of the Efe Omorogbe ‘loot’. Among those said to have got a piece of the action are Okoroji’s wife, his driver and housekeeper and every member of the COSON Board. On the day the members of the COSON staff got their share of the money, there was wide jubilation at COSON House. In unison, they thundered out the COSON mantra, “let the music pay!” Thereafter, some of the staff spent their money on recharge cards, others on pepper soup and drinks. At Okoroji’s TOPS Ltd, the scene was repeated. We are also informed that several of Okoroji’s close friends such as Patrick Doyle and his fiery lawyer and friend, Mr. James Ononiwu, did not miss out in the bonanza.
Said our source, “you will be surprised that some journalists got their own share of the money and so did some staff of the NCC who are pretending to be fighting Chief Tony Okoroji. ‘Presido’ did not spend one naira of the money on himself. I am not sure that he is interested in Efe Omorogbe’s money. I believe he just wants Efe Omorogbe to learn a bitter lesson”.

P.M Walker for TOPS

Culled from dailynewscover.com

Friday, March 20, 2020



Mr. James Ononiwu of Whitedove Solicitors, renowned lawyer to Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON) has swiftly reacted to a media statement jointly issued by Efe Omorogbe who led the failed 2017 “coup’ in COSON and his friend, Ibukun “Aibee” Abidoye of Chocolate City Music.

In separate but similar letters to Mr. Omorogbe and Ms. Abidoye titled “WARNING!” and dated March 20, 2020, Mr. Ononiwu took serious issues with the duo for attacking the 10 billion naira lawsuit recently filed by COSON against the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC).  

In his letter to Omorogbe, Mr. Ononiwu wrote, “Our attention has been drawn to an ill-advised statement dated March 19, 2020 credited to you and one Ibukun “Aibee” Abidoye in which you went on a tirade against our client in what is clearly another attempt to damage the image and hard won reputation of our client.
“We are not unaware of the likely frustration you may be going through as a result of the calamitous and disgraceful failure of your plot to hijack the Chairmanship of COSON and take over the society in 2017, a plot which the members of COSON overwhelmingly shot down. You are obviously unhappy that despite everything you have thrown at our client, in your rage at the wholesale rejection by the members of our client of your plot to take over COSON, our client continues to stand tall.
“We however did not believe that your desperation will get to the point where you will completely throw caution to the wind and publicly and openly become the judge in an important matter before a court of competent jurisdiction in which you are not even a party. How dare you!!!
Continued Mr. Ononiwu, “It appears that after three years of your misadventure, you are still daydreaming of leading COSON, an organization you have done everything to strangulate and impose punishment on its innocent members. Be told that your current attempt to desecrate the temple of justice will not be laughed at.
“Are you saying that the Nigerian Copyright Commission with its battery of lawyers is not competent to defend itself with respect to the weighty issues our client has brought to court or are you confirming the wide speculation that you have been working hand in hand with some people in the NCC in the attempt to strangulate COSON and impoverish the thousands of members of COSON? Are you saying that COSON which has been built on the constant questioning of the law no longer has any right to go to court to question the use or misuse of Nigerian law? Meanwhile, both you and Ms. Abidoye’s company are in court seeking judgment against our client!”

The fiery Lagos lawyer concluded by warning Efe Omorogbe and “Aibee Abidoye”. In the words of Mr. Ononiwu, “You are hereby severely warned that Nigeria remains a nation of laws and if you do not caution yourself and desist henceforth from being a self-appointed judge, publicly commenting and passing judgment on any of our client’s cases before any court of law, we will ensure that the full weight of the law is brought against you without any further reference to you”

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), the nation’s biggest copyright collective management organization, has gone to the Federal High Court to seek damages of eight billion naira from the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC) for “the undemocratic, unlawful and unconstitutional ‘suspension’ of the approval and operating licence of the Plaintiff” and another two billion naira “for the significant loss of Reputation and Goodwill suffered by the Plaintiff and arising from the massive publicity sustained by the NCC against COSON following the undemocratic, unlawful and unconstitutional ‘suspension’ of the approval and operating licence of the Plaintiff and the unlawful directive that the bank accounts of the Plaintiff be frozen.”
ncc  and coson

In its 63 paragraph Statement of Claim in suit No FHC/L/CS/425/2020 filed by renowned Lagos lawyer, Mr. James Ononiwu of Whitedove Solicitors, COSON pleads that It is a fact that the Copyright Act in Section 39 (2) gives the Defendant the power to approve collecting societies but nowhere under the law is the NCC given the power to suspend, revoke or in any way restrict the approval given to a collecting society or embark on an audit of a collecting society or direct the freeze/restriction of the bank accounts of a collecting society without an order of court.
COSON which is Africa’s fastest growing CMO with thousands of members across Nigeria, also pleads that while the Copyright Collective Management Organization Regulations (2007), made by the NCC, states that it has been made in exercise of the powers conferred on the NCC by section 39 (7) of the Copyright Act, the regulations are over reaching of the law because nowhere in Section 39 of the Copyright Act or any other law is the commission given the power to suspend, revoke or in any way restrict the approval given to a collecting society or embark on an audit of a collecting society or direct the freeze/restriction of the bank accounts of a collecting society without an order of court.
COSON said that the NCC has become a MONSTER, deploying the wide powers it has unlawfully assumed to decimate the stakeholders it was set up to protect and that in its actions, the commission has been the law maker, the accuser, the judge and the jury in its own case without COSON being offered any opportunity for fair hearing.
COSON has therefore asked the Federal high Court to declare that the provisions in the Copyright (Collective Management Organizations) Regulations 2007, made by the NCC, by which the NCC has assumed the power to unilaterally suspend or revoke the licence of an approved Collecting Society or to require an approved collecting society to apply to the NCC to renew its licence are undemocratic, unlawful, unconstitutional, null and void.
Similarly, COSON which has reciprocal representation agreements with about 150 collective management organizations in every continent around the world has asked the Federal High Court to declare that the provision in the Copyright (Collective Management Organizations) Regulations 2007 by which the NCC has assumed the power to order the audit of a Copyright Collective Management Organization without the authorization of the society’s Annual General Meeting and without a court order is undemocratic, unlawful, unconstitutional, null and void. Also requested is a declaration that the directive by the NCC without an order of court that the bank accounts of COSON be frozen, is ultra vires the powers of the NCC, illegal, unlawful, null and void.
Furthermore, COSON is seeking a perpetual injunction restraining the commission, its officers, agents, servants or privies from relying on the provisions of the Copyright Collective Management Organizations Regulations 2007 to take any steps purporting to revoke the operating licence/ approval of COSON or in any way or manner disturbing/continuing to disturb or preventing/continuing to prevent COSON from lawfully enforcing the constitutional rights of its members, affiliates, assignees and reciprocal representation partners or interfering/continuing to interfere with the internal management, operations, funds, audits or bank accounts of the Plaintiff or disturbing/continuing to disturb or preventing/continuing to prevent COSON, its members, affiliates, assignees and reciprocal representation partners from earning income and sustaining themselves with their Intellectual Property, without an order of court.
It will be recalled that at a massively attended world press conference held at COSON House, Ikeja days before the suit was filed, COSON called for the immediate resignation of Mr. John Asein, the Director-General of the Nigerian Copyright Commission who is alleged to be immersed in rabid corruption. At the Press Conference addressed by the CMOs chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji, he said, “the Nigerian Copyright Commission has brought shame to the Nigerian nation. We therefore on this 10th day of March 2020 call on the Federal Government of Nigeria to call the Nigerian Copyright Commission to order. We demand of the Buhari Administration to order the Nigerian Copyright Commission to publish a bold and unreserved apology to the thousands of members of COSON, the entire Nigerian creative community and the international copyright family for the terrible misuse and abuse of power and to make appropriate restitution to COSON”

Tuesday, November 19, 2019



Multiple award-winning Nigerian gospel music star, Asu Ekiye, is storming Lagos next week to be a key part of the much talked about big biennial event of the music industry calledCOSON IN THE CHURCH which holds on the 1st day of December 2019. Asu Ekiye, also called “Prince of the Niger Delta”, will arrive Lagos with that vivacious special brand of gospel music for which he is very well known. Asu will be joining Nigeria’s topmost gospel artistes and several anointed ministers of the gospel from different denominations across the country for an unforgettable praise and worship gathering of the faithful for the Nigerian nation and its citizens faced with many challenges.
asu ekiye

Asu Ekiye who for several years has beenpresident of Fellowship of Gospel Music Ministers of Nigeria FOGMNON was in 2017 appointed Special Adviser to the Bayelsa State Government on Entertainment and Culture. Asu Ekiye has performed alongside the best of the best around the globe such as Kirk Franklin, Donnie McKlurkin, Cece Winans, Israel Houghton, Don Moen, Martha Munizzi and many more.

walkers family

Celebrated former President of PMAN and current Chairman of Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Chief Tony Okoroji, says, ”I am so excited and proud that Asu Ekiye will be live at COSON IN THE CHURCH to light up the fire! He has assured me that no one who attends COSON IN THE CHURCH will leave without being touched by the spirit of God. Asu says that everyone coming to Revival Assembly for the big show has to dress cool because he plans to heat up the auditorium with the presence of the Almighty. He advises everyone coming to bring their clean white handkerchiefs for the special celebration”.

Also to be ushered on to the stage of COSON IN THE CHURCH is the evergreen minister of gospel music in Nigeria, Funmi Aragbaye who will be arriving Lagos from her Ibadan base. Dr. Aragbaye who is National President ofGospel Musicians Association of Nigeria (GOMAN) has asked her many fans to throng Revival Assembly in Ikeja on the 1st of December for “a show of all shows”.
walkers family

Speaking further, Chief Tony Okoroji who is producing the big event says, “all hands are on deck. Nigeria’s greatest gospel singers will be there. The most amazing and anointed men of God will pray for the Nigerian nation and for the families of all those present at this time of great challenges in our country. This is an important contribution of Nigerian musicians to national unity. Our host pastor, Apostle Anselm Madubuko, is giving us 100% support. The red carpet will be hot with paparazzi everywhere and there will be stars and stars every direction you look.

“This is an event that brings thousands of Nigerian musicians and their fans together to worship the Almighty in an interdenominational manner on a day that there are no separations whatsoever between God’s children. It does not matter which denomination you belong to or if you are not even a Christian, come to COSON IN THE CHURCH on the 1st of December and enter the Christmas season with God’s blessings”.
The big COSON IN THE CHURCH event flags off the 2019 COSON Week.

Peter Map Walker

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mike Aremu In COSON IN THE CHURCH 2019

A little over 2 weeks to go to the big show!

mike aremu

COSON in the Church!!!

All the systems are being readied. Revival Assembly is getting set. The artistes are tuning their voices and their instruments. The men of God are rehearsing their bible verses.. The people will be there dressed to finish. Flash bulbs will explode as paparazzi goes crazy to capture this incredible 1st of December event. Are you going to be there or you want to be told about it?

Friday, November 15, 2019



Chief Tony Okoroji, one of the nation’s best-known organizers of jaw dropping events and Chairman, Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), has declared that the forth coming ‘COSON in the Church’ billed for the first day of December 2019 will be hot, smoking and uplifting.

Okoroji, the man who created and produced the unassailable Nigerian Music Awards, the forerunner to nearly all the key entertainment events in the country, is insistent that every action is being taken to ensure that the 2019 COSON in the Church is an unforgettable experience.
Speaking at the magnificent COSON House in Ikeja during the week to some members of COSON who had come to pay him a solidarity visit, the COSON Chairman who leads thousands of musicians and music industry stakeholders across the country, said, “For most Christians, the 1st of December every year begins the Christmas season. I make bold to ask everyone who can make it to be at the beautiful auditorium of Revival Assembly in Ikeja on the 1st of December 2019 to receive blessings and begin this Christmas season in the presence of the Almighty. We are not leaving anything to chance. It will be awesome. Anyone who has been associated with COSON knows that when COSON does things, we do things very well. I am in touch daily with my colleagues on the COSON board such as KSB, Koffi Tha Guru and the great John Ewelukwa Udegbunam popularly known as Eweson who for many years has been National music Director of the Praise & Worship Ministry of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria.
“All hands are on deck. Nigeria’s greatest gospel singers will be there. The most amazing and anointed men of God will pray for the Nigerian nation and for the families of all those present at this time of great challenges in our country. This is an important contribution of Nigerian musicians to national unity. The red carpet will be hot with paparazzi everywhere and there will be stars and stars every direction you look.

Some of the Music Ministers for the day are: 

word to God


ayo vincent

And many more......

This is an event that brings thousands of Nigerian musicians and their fans together to worship the Almighty in an interdenominational manner on a day that there are no separations whatsoever between God’s children. It does not matter which denomination you belong to or if you are not even a Christian, come to “COSON in the Church” on the 1st of December and be blessed”.

Tell your friends not to miss this show of all shows.
Bring your family to start the Christmas season in the presence of the living God.
It will be a bomb!!!

The Entertainment Headquarters 



Mr. Emeka Mba, former Director-General of the National Film & Video Censors Board and former Director-General of the National Broadcasting Commission will deliver the 2019 COSON Lecture, one of the key events of the biennial COSON Week which will hold on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at the COSON House Arena in Ikeja.
coson week 2019 lecture

Emeka Mba who currently heads Questech Media, a specialized media & entertainment consulting practice, has more than 27 years’ experience in the converged fields of media, entertainment and technology, as well as regulatory policy management. He is considered by many of his peers as a leading visionary and thinker on the role of government policy and technology in shaping the trajectory and growth of the sector, and its impact on social and economic development.
Mr. Mba was Managing Director of Phillips Media Entertainment Ltd, a specialized media entertainment consulting service of Phillips Consulting Nigeria, and was for eight and a half years, Regulatory Affairs Manager for MultiChoice Nigeria, responsible for Regulatory strategy and Policy.
In 2014, Emeka Mba as DG of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) played a historic role in the development of collective management of copyright in Nigeria by brokering peace between COSON and the Nigerian broadcasting industry which led to the agreement for the payment of copyright royalties by all broadcasting stations in the country.
Speaking on the choice of Mr. Mba for the 2019 COSON Lecture, COSON Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji, said, “No one in Nigeria has the depth of hands-on experience that Mr. Emeka Mba has with respect to creative content and the management of rights. He is brilliant. I am looking forward to a very exciting 2019 COSON Lecture”
The inaugural COSON lecture in 2013 was delivered by Prof Helge Ronning, Chairman, Norwegian Copyright Development Association (NORCODE) with His Excellency, Mr. Rolf Ree, Norwegian Ambassador to Nigeria as Guest of Honour. The 2015 COSON Lecture was delivered by Prof. Bankole Sodipo with His Excellency, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as Guest of Honour and legal luminary, Prince Bola Ajibola, as Special Guest. The last COSON Lecture in 2017 was delivered by the Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Geoffrey Onyeama, one-time Deputy Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Chairman of the lecture was the nation’s guru of Intellectual property law, Prof Egerton Uvieghara.
With the quality of the minds that have consistently gathered at each of the lectures, the COSON Lecture series has easily become Nigeria’s most sought after event for the discussion of creativity, content and developments in intellectual property across the globe.

Saturday, June 8, 2019



Professor Duro Oni has been on the staff of the University of Lagos since 1976 and has held various positions including that of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Management Services);Dean, Faculty of Arts; Professor and Head of the Department of Creative Arts: Pioneer Director, Confucius Institute: He was also the Director of the Centre for Cultural Studies. In a career spanning over forty years at the University of Lagos, Prof. Duro Oni initiated and developed degree programme in; Creative Arts(Theatre Arts, Music & Visual Arts) at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, M.Phil. and Ph.D. levels and the Bachelor's Degree in Chinese Studies.

He was also the Director General / CEO of the Federal Government Parastatal, Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC) and Special Assistant/Adviser to the Hon. Minister of Culture and Social Welfare/Youth and Sports from 1990-1992. He holds the BFA and MFA Degrees from the California Institute of the Arts in the United States and a Ph.D. from the University of Ibadan. An academic of repute, Duro Oni has a total of ten books and over sixty articles in reputable journals and chapters in books in the areas of Theatre Arts Design and Aesthetics, Dramatic Literature and Criticism, Management, Cultural Studies and the Nollywood/Nigerian Films.

An Academic, Culture /Theatre Administrator and Production Designer, Duro Oni has also travelled widely and has trained in and or visited the following countries, among others; U.S.A., Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Finland, Spain, Yugoslavia, Bermuda, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Hong Kong, Canada, Barbados, Trinidad, India, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Turkey and a host of African countries including Egypt, Republic du Benin, Togo, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal, Libya, Morocco, South Africa, Kenya, Cote d’Ivoire and Ethiopia.
Prof. Duro Oni is a Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Letters, Fellow of the Society of Nigerian Theatre Artistes (SONTA), Fellow and Advisory Board Member of National Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Practitioners(NANTAP), Senior Overseas Fellow of the Ferguson Centre, Open University in the United Kingdom (2006-2007),Fellow, Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, (RSA),UK.
Prof. Duro Oni, who was born inMinna, Niger State on the 15th of December, 1952 is from Iwoye-Ijesa in Osun state. He is fluent in English, Yoruba and Hausa.
Please meet the man we are all coming to listen to on the 2019 Ras Kimono Memorial Day and delivering the first Ras Kimono Memorial Lecture on Revolutionary Music for Equality and Justice. Please meet the erudite Prof. Duro Oni.