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Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


It was all like a joke as I never wanted any man in my life and even if I do, not some one like him but the whole thing turned out differently, even much more than I ever thought.
alexia by peter blog

I was on my own when he walked up to me and said, his dad is not a governor neither is he from a rich background but he'd love to help, he promise to give me money to sow seed in church (offering) every Sunday service. I looked at him with surprise because I never asked him anything and did not even know him or want anything from him.

He doesn't look like it, looking rough, not even my kind of man. He's dark, not tall. In fact he's just the opposite of all I want in a man.

I felt cold inside of me for the very first time but never understood what I have gotten myself into, so I said "huumm emm" well okay if its only what you've just said and not more than that. I realized what he meant weeks after.

As days went by the closeness grew. The more I tried to avoid him, the more I fall into him. I did all I could, instead I see myself running into him. So much happened then but he was always there even when I never knew or wanted him.

Every time I needed help, he was always there and the most surprising part of it all is that I never asked him for any help, never told him about any thing. How he gets to know even till this moment I still can't figure it. Its scares me every time I see him around me. He is just like an angel sent to me.

He shows up when I need him the most. I've never seen or been with a man like that, who knows and sees your pains and understands your cry even when you don't talk. Knows when to show up and that makes him appear to me like the perfect man.

I refuse to feel anything for him because I know all my walls and defences are broken even before he opens his mouth to ask which he never did because I never gave him the chance to. Always there with me and for me.

one day as he walked me home for church, I reminded him that he is doing too much and the he is just a friend. He got so upset with his response. I felt the pain in his tone. then I realized I have awaken something strong inside of him and now I can't control it, because I'm also awake and waiting for his first move.

Finally, it happened. I couldn't wait for him to finish what he was saying before I cut in but did not say yes because I became scared and worried about breaking the promises I made to myself and my commitment to other things. But he was just so persistent, bold, strong brave, intelligent, with lovely smile, above all, kind, caring, loving, patient and very understanding with lots of passion...…….

Woke up few days ago and realized that it is our 5 years anniversary……..to be continued

Friday, August 10, 2018


After trying all I could by myself and unable to get anywhere. I decided to seek for advise, which is the only and best option unless I want to see my ancestors before time. So I reached out to my mentors and my great source of inspiration.....you will not believe all I got from them. Here's what I took from them.
photo for my blog pmwalker.blogspot.com

The first person that responded to my call is Maxwell Ivey Jr. who is a writer, blogger, an influencer and a podcaster. He is one of my greatest source of inspiration. He said to me that he think things would be easier on me and the rest of us if we didn’t have some people out there appearing to do it all and making it look easy. That I should be kind to myself and do what I want most or what I need most first. I am a special person. He have heard my music, so I shouldn't doubt it. What would I love to change about my job that would make it more enjoyable in the short term? Perhaps I and my supervisor or employer could talk about this. Though not every boss is willing to change or amend their policies but some are. Until I get there, I  should know that he will always be there for me. That only gave me the courage to face one of my biggest fear, which is doubt.

While I was trying to redefine my path, here comes another woman I admire so much and here's her advise.....
Her name is Renee Radicioni Pavlus   she said there are lot of people going through the same thing out there. That my story is like sounds like a lot of people’s story. She continued, the problem is, we think of all these things in our brain and minds, some of us look at the positive outcomes, and some of us look at their possibilities. I myself have spun around many times with 20 fingers in 20 pies, accomplishing very little, regretting, getting frustrated, and wondering why why why?
Well, recently I’ve had to learn that I needed to focus my point down, maybe taking on two challenges instead of 20. Maybe working out a plan, or maybe finding people to help me make this plan happen. No they might not be great things, but perhaps even little things are is important. It’s kind of like building our arsenal of talents, gifts, skills. It’s so easy to dream, Hope, plan ahead, but if we don’t define our Voice, purpose, or understand our reality good and bad, nothing will happen, absolutely nothing. I am a testimony to this, you know, having a spirit of willingness, having capabilities, or knowing that to accomplish certain things we need the help of others is part of our learning and growing experience.
So I am simplifying, I mean in the way and the tasks that I will take on and I’m also allowing myself to try to be a little more patient, or allowing for pitfalls, or in possibilities which often happens when you don’t see or when you need help learning new skills, or when you need help just progressing. Don’t be ashamed of asking for help, but choose the people you ask help from very wisely. Many people mean well, but when it comes down to actually achieving, accomplishing, and doing that either back off, try to help with some confusion, or get at flustered as we may be.
So, having said all this, baby steps, organized baby steps, looking and examining how you can achieve these baby steps, and looking at the barriers towards achieving them Chyna, working through each barrier one at a time. We feel so much better when we have achieved something, we feel so much better when we allow ourselves to ask for help in the kindest way possible, but do it in a realistic honest way, and don’t make your expectations too high, because that can also sabotage your progress, I know this, first hand.

I couldn't help it but pick my broken pieces, put it all together and solve the puzzle the world have created for me. I realized that I have to take it one stop at a time and to ask for help from the right people, not acting like I know it all.

Yes I remember, of all the multiple choices in my head and things to do, DeAnna Lynn Rice asked me to pick one, the ones that speaks most, and you go with it. and Evelyn Faix   said she is like that too but I have to start with one first and she suggested that the music lessons can be taken from an online website called musicvi.com. It’s music for the busily impaired I can buy the courses and they are very good I can also get them from the MLS Talking Books location for free computer classes you should go to Lighthouse.

Lastly Edwin Polini said I should only keep my eyes on JesusChrist who is the author and finisher of our faith.

From all these, I come to a conclusion that for one to stop existing and start live he or she needs to
  • ACT
  • ASK

The you'll find your way to success as you have a direction now

Thanks for the help......

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


birthday, happy birthday kasi the june 12 girl


As Nigerians stayed on the line in the sun and in the rain on ...that historic day, June 12, 1993, to vote for Moshood Abiola to become President of Africa’s most populous nation, in what is still regarded as Nigeria’s freest and fairest elections ever, a child of destiny was born.
That child of destiny has grown up with unmatched talent, never-say-die spirit and incomparable determination to conquer the world. Her name is KASI "the June 12 girl"
Recently, the introduction of Nigerians to the world of KASI, the enchanting multi-talented June 12 girl began. There is no question that pretty soon, everyone will be very familiar with the very talented young lady who writes songs like no other, sings like no other, dances like no other, draws like no other and who has created the fascinating fashion line called ‘Real KASI.
cloth line design and color by kasi the june 12 girl

Speaking about her historic birthday, the power bike riding KASI says “I do not believe that my birth is an accident. June 12 1993 will remain a remarkable day in Nigerian history. That was the day Nigerians tasted unity. On June 12, the late Moshood Abiola, a Yoruba Muslim found favour across Nigeria from people of all tribes and people of all religions who threw tribe and religion into the dustbin and voted for him. Nigerians were united in support of Abiola. In the same way, I pray to find favour from Nigerians from the East, the West, the North and everywhere. As a child of June 12, I want to use my music, my fashion and art to bring unity to my country.
Abiola was a world-wide phenomenon, both in business and politics. I am determined to be a world-wide phenomenon in the creative industry where I belong. That is why I work so hard to be on top of my game. I am conscious of the circumstances of my birth. I am determined to be the best that anyone in my industry can be and I promise not to let Nigerians down.
riding my bike and a photo pose

“I am aware that the June 12 1993 elections were annulled. The memories have however refused to go away. Every year, people across the country continue to celebrate June 12, my birthday. Finally, the President has declared my birthday a national holiday to be celebrated across the nation. I am so elated and grateful. Thank you, Mr. President. By His grace, my march to the top of global entertainment will not be annulled because I fly the flag of history. I am a Christian but my music, fashion and art will touch the hearts of Muslims and people of other religions. My parents come from the South East of Nigeria while I grew up in the South West. I sing in English, Igbo and Yoruba. I am trying to learn Hausa and other Nigerian languages. I want to touch people wherever they are. Quote me. People everywhere will rock to the music of KASI and hang my artworks in precious places and wear Real KASI like no other fashion line. I know for sure that my June 12 birthday is not an accident. It is a mark of destiny”.

Hope your special day brings you all your heart desires
Wishing you another year of great opportunities, achievements and personal growth.


from all of us @ TOPS

Just in case you don't know, the June 12 girl have released two singles “LOVINJAITIS”  her thumping dance song guaranteed to get everyone gyrating on the dance floor for months and “IFUNANYA”  a touching love song which will show the wide range of the talent of this young lady who is sure to be one of Nigeria’s most wanted performers in the years to come.

To download/listen to any of her songs, just click on the song title and it will take you to the page.

the entertainment headquaarters