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Showing posts with label hate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2018



Mr. James Ononiwu of the big Lagos law firm of Whitedove Solicitors, lawyers to Chairman, Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Chief Tony Okoroji, has written to Mr. Pretty Okafor warning him of the consequences of the new wave of libellous statements made by Mr. Okafor against Chief Okoroji on several social media platforms.
In the letter dated September 14, 2018, Mr Ononiwu wrote, “Your claims and innuendoes on the said social media platforms that our client published or caused to be published fake and false public statements to the effect that the Federal High Court had on September 5, 2018 ordered the Nigerian Copyright Commission to suspend all actions, proceedings and processes relating to the purported suspension of the licence of Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON) and the freezing of COSON’s bank accounts, are outrageous and libellous of our client”
Said Mr Ononiwu. “As has recently been shown, every information contained in the said COSON publication is accurate. Chief Okoroji is a man of impeccable integrity and will never take part in the dissemination of any falsehood or any information that is deceitful”
award for tony okoroji

Mr Ononiwu reminded Mr. Okafor that he has refused, failed or neglected to file any defence to the 600 Million Naira comprehensive defamation law suit filed by Chief Tony Okoroji against him at the High Court of Lagos State in Ikeja since May 22, 2018. He also told Pretty Okafor that after having since been served with the processes, Chief Okoroji is set to proceed to obtain judgment against him and enforce the judgement if he does not take appropriate action.
In the letter, Mr Ononiwu went on to inform Pretty Okafor that Chief Okoroji will not hesitate to bring fresh court action against him.
It will be recalled that in a 17- page Statement of Claim, supported by 8 witnesses and numerous documents, Chief Tony Okoroji has in Suit No ID/ADR/903/2018, detailed several destructive statements made on different occasions against him by Pretty Okafor on Facebook, WhatsApp, magazine interviews, press releases, etc, stating that the statements are ‘blatantly false, serially defamatory, obnoxious, reckless and sordid’.
Apart from asking the court for general damages in the sum of three hundred million Naira and aggravated damages in the sum of another three hundred million Naira, Chief Okoroji has also asked for conspicuous and unreserved apology from Pretty Okafor published on Facebook, WhatsApp, the Guardian Newspaper, the Sun Newspaper, the Punch and Vanguard Newspaper.

The celebrated former President of PMAN, CEO of TOPS and author of “Copyright & the New Millionaires” has also asked for a perpetual injunction restraining Mr. Okafor, Mr. Okafor’s servants, agents or privies by whatever name called, from further publishing or broadcasting, or causing to be published or broadcast, the said words or any words defamatory of Chief Okoroji.
Okoroji’s lawyer, Barrister James Ononiwu, has also said, “Chief Tony Okoroji knows the ‘guy men’ who are so desperate to hijack COSON, the most successful organization in the history of the creative industry in Nigeria, built with the exemplary and outstanding leadership of Okoroji. These ‘guy men’ desperately want to grab what Chief Okoroji has built for the good of generations of musicians in Nigeria. They want to milk COSON dry and trash it. These are the same people who destroyed PMAN and destroyed NARI, all built with the significant input of Chief Tony Okoroji. They want to destroy COSON too and Tony Okoroji says no!

“The ‘guy men’ know that they cannot take out Chief Okoroji through a democratic process. Chief Tony Okoroji, a tried, tested, incorruptible and deep intellectual who is not afraid to speak truth to power, enjoys the overwhelming trust and confidence of musicians across Nigeria. These ‘guy men’ who want to reap where they did not sow, have therefore resorted to the sick fabrication and deployment of falsehood and defamation of character which they mistakenly think will take out Chief Okoroji.
“Let them be informed that while our client is a man of peace and welcomes constructive criticism, Chief Okoroji will not stand idle over the coordinated wicked lies and unjust fabrications. He is fully committed to defending COSON and determined to keep COSON strong, vibrant, alive and productive for the good of generations of Nigerian musicians. Chief Tony Okoroji, a well-known advocate of the rule of law, has asked us to look out for the ‘guy men’ who are blackmailing COSON, serve them summons to come to court so that they can repeat what they have said on social media, in a court of law, and provide the evidence to back up their statements. Where they cannot defend what they have said, they will pay the price. The time for careless talk is over”


Friday, August 24, 2018


What is love, when all it brings is pain and hurt? I ask myself, hoping to get an answer. My heart is hurt and broken, no peace inside of me, then tell me how do I get the answer to all the questions running through my mind? Looking for tears but the sea never dries. I've cried out my eyes, wondering where all this is coming from. What have I done wrong.....where have I gone wrong? can anyone wake me from this dream, I still cant believe my eyes.
photo for my blog post

We never had any issue for a long time now and it was all going well in my relationship till the day I told him about how he spends his money, my money, our money. Yes its ours even though he worked for it. Thought love is what belongs to the man belongs to his wife. I was only concern about nit all because I know someday it will affect me as a woman in his life.

All I said was Shimori, how come you have spent so much in the last few days and you are broke..... He is my best friend, love and play mate so I could ask him anything as long as I care about him and about us. Rather it became a raging storm. He got very upset and walked out of the house. Shimori please don't go, don't walk out of me I begged him but he wouldn't listen. I had to let him go. He's very pissed.

He got back very late as usual and said nothing to me, as a woman that made me even worse and angrier but I had to keep cool. I asked him how his day went but he said nothing. I asked him for the second time, what's wrong? He said, nothing that he is fine. Ok, I get that. I kept mute and watch him do his thing. But as a woman, I'm not happy with all that is happening and his new attitude and was also thinking if he's still angry as he did not even call me the whole day. I laid on the bed with my nighties but still worried and unsure of what is going on with him. He finished up and turned of the light, laid on the bed beside me and said good night. This time he did not touch me, he did not hold me as he use to, he did not even use the same blanket as we've always done every night. This night is really different. I became very grieved and pained in my heart, held the tears and pain so I don't react and mess things up. Before anything he was already asleep and even snoring. God damn.....so annoying and irritating. I said my prayers and slept and tried not to bother myself.

I thought within myself, is he seeing another woman, is he listening to gossips, is he trying to test my patient, or did I really hurt him with what I said before he left for work? All these questions and more were running through my mind. Unlike him, wakes up and call me to pray with him before any other thing, but this time was different. He got up and walked straight to the bathroom, without a word and knowing that I'm awake. I got more worried and pissed which turned to anger and pain inside of me.

Shimori, I called him. He did not answer then I walked up to him and asked.... What is going on? Last Saturday we talked about this and I thought it was resolved, why are you still angry about the money issue? Does that mean I should never ask you about how you spend your money, what you sue it for or even how you get it? If that's what you want, then its fine by me. I promise no more questions about your income and what you use it for so we can live in peace but I must tell you, it can never be cool if I don't know and it will be very unfair of me if I don't ask. But if that's what you want then it fine by me. It really hurts to be in a relationship where you don't have any say...all you do is yes sir, no sir just like a robot. I am not ready for that kind of a man. Without saying anything more, I walked out of him, and the unexpected happened...........
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Wednesday, August 8, 2018


I want to increase my computer knowledge. I need a better job that will allow me do other things. I want to learn sewing. I need another apartment. I need to enrol in a music class... I need this, I need that, I want to do this, I want to do that. Too many things to do with little or no assistance....


How many can I achieve all by myself? How do I go about achieving all these. I've learnt something about myself...... I hardly get help from people, I always have to do it all by myself.

I wish families are there to assist, it would have been so easy and nice. I just need help, I need helping hands. Who do I run to apart from myself? Its just like I have everyone around me and still have to fix it all by myself. I need a job to help push my ministry, but its just a side hustle. I don't know what to do or who to run to. I need help so so so bad. I don't want to regret coming back here. The pressure is too much.

Seven good years, just like seven days, I've had to much experience for something to start taking place, I've tried all my very best to walk and run. I've fallen and risen, been hurt and healed, I've starved, been broken, weak, bullied, abused but I pick my broken piece and comfort myself.

Just me, myself and I. I've cried rivers and seen desert. Family made me feels like I picked the wrong choice. I've been promised and failed. I was hated and beaten blue black, my body have been bruised, flogged with broom and all sort of weeps, my hair have been pulled and dragged to the ground.

My relationship is not the way I want it to be so I have to make it work. I have no choice but to love above all. I need an answer to these few prayers of mine. I don't know where I'm heading to, I need a direction. the way is too narrow and full of thorns of all kinds.

My head hurts with so much thoughts, my eyes hurt with too much tears, huuummmm...... no amount of secret tears can help the situation.

O God, I just don't know how to express myself to you, use me as an evidence of change in my generation.....

Who's out there.....somebody....... anybody........I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2018


Hey, life is never the way we expects it to be.... Never had it funny, even though things fell apart or never goes my way, I still have to push through.
photo used by map walker for alexa
My name is Alexa and here is a little about my new life

My growing up was hell, but there is a God who sees me through at all time, no matter how hard it comes, I've always had a way out. But right now I'm so full of hate and resentment. Everything is coming so soon.

You don't have to be in a rush. Why rushing for what you'll live with for the rest of your life? Why working my body to the passion of your body. I'm changing, my body is growing older, stronger and vulnerable. I'm getting weak, feeling too much passion burning inside of me, thanks to your help.

I shake to ask you in, I'm scared to allow your touch. Why cant you see this through my eyes or feel it in your mind? Why are you letting go of your first promise? why is your body always hot when it comes around mine. Do you really think you love me? You do things this days that scares the peace out of my soul.

I wanna run away and never come back because you've broken my walls, taken my strength, destroyed my belief, shattered my hopes and have made me someone I wasn't ready to be now....If only I saw it coming this soon, even when I sensed the signs, I still never believed it.

Help! Help!! Help!!! is all I'm crying for now. We need help. From just a hug to cuddling, now we kiss so passionately that it scares me to even touch you further, in short no part of me is hidden anymore, all that remains now is for you to get me naked and put your damn whatever down here.

You cant help it anymore, your passion have grown out of control and I see it coming in no time you because you've worked my body t your rhythm, to the fire burning inside of you.

Logan, I'm talking to you. We need help. No more talking, you are too free, like its your right, like whatever happens, you don't care. Give me space you said no, give me time you're still saying no. I really need to put myself back. you finally wants to take the only thing I have left. Can that be love? Is that what you call love? I'm asking you Logan.

I have no education, no certificate, no handwork, no trade learnt, no money, no home, no friends, no close family or relatives. Thought I called you my friend.
My family said I was coming back to you just to get pregnant and you making my biggest fear to appear real. Is that what you want for us, you said no. Then, why can you just let go of me since the passion and the sex thing is getting too much

What is the big deal in letting go.  Why telling someone you love them when all you do is put them in pains.

you know I have so much killing me already. Sometimes I allow you to do that just to see if that will help take some of the pains and heart aches away, but each time we do that..,...they even get worse.

you promised not to come between me and my first love, but here you are doing the opposite and still having to courage to enter his presence with our smelling body, huummm.... What do you really want? I'm asking again. Do you want my down fall or my rising? You are killing me spiritually. Please help me and not use me.

I've told you before, go out there, you have my permission. Go and do whatever you want just to please your flesh, staying for ages wont help either of us. I've given you the hurtful freedom to do that. If you really want to get married to me, then you don't have to take away the only precious treasure I have left. You cant eat your cake and have it....never.

Please respect the space I asked for and I promise all will be well with us. I don't see us coming out of this well. please I beg you.

This is exactly the reason I broke up with my ex....every guy wants the same thing and its really killing me.......

Please help me so I can help you too.....................

Monday, June 11, 2018

Chief Tony Okoroji Talks About Ras Kimono

photo, love, hate, red, blue, black tree

How much do you care about the people around you? Is a very big question that some still can't find an answer to.
What is your relationship with them? Is another one that others can't define.

It is said that we don't know those that loves us, we only care about the ones we love, and you don't know how important it is, till you lose it.

It is a great shock and pain to everyone at Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), to the friends, fans, family and the entire nation on the passing on of a music legend and icon Okwudili ‘Ras Kimono Onwubuya Elumelu.
photo, performance, stage, sax

Many of us never had the time to personally reach out to this music legend and icon. We give glory to God because he lived a life worth emulating.

Here is what the Chairman/President of Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Chief Tony Okoroji said.

coson, ras kimono, photo

"I am still in rude shock, says Okoroji"

When the news of the sudden demise of Okwudili ‘Ras Kimono Onwubuya Elumelu hit the Nigerian airwaves like a thunderbolt during a torrential rainfall, so many disregarded this castatrophy as mere rumours as it is has been the case for many of his kind in time past.
But it became an undeniable fact when indeed throng of the decease’s friends and associated visited the Lagoon Hospital in the upscale area of Ikoyi to see and pay their due respect to the Rhumba Style crooner. When interviewed by press men, Sir Shina Peters (SSP) described the late hit maker as ‘the best thing ever to happen to the music industry’ and so it really is, as the reggae icon as constantly remained as one of the few living legends of the musical revolution of the 90s.

His profundity on stage, his affableness with all and classical artistry has been the weapon of his relevance ever since his debut entry onto the Nigerian musical scene since the 90s till 10th June 2018 when he took the last bow.
According to Chief Tony Okoroji who once held the helms of affairs at Performing Musician Society of Nigeria (PMAN), and currently the Chairman of the vibrant Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON) in a statement made available to the public, he described the late Ras Kimono as not just’ being a great musician but a fantastic person, this is absolutely devastating’, he said.
Boad of directors, coson, members, phot

Since the ill-fated news broke out, the Nigerian media terrain has been awashed with myriad of tributes to the maestro. The death no doubt is a great loss to the entire music industry in Nigeria and an irreplacable loss to the Rastafarian followership worldwide.
He will be greatly missed.
group photo, coson house

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Map Walker.