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Showing posts with label the word of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the word of God. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2019


Craving for you like the desert craves for water, longing for you like a monkey to a banana. A sight of you oils my lamp and keeps me burning. The more I come close the more I realize that I have to be closer than ever. Words can’t describe how I feel about you. Having you by my side all day long is never enough. Holding you next to me makes me want to see what you are made of. Deep calleth unto deep!!!! I'm still here,craving for more.
Deeper in you is always my next move. Searching through you every day because I can’t live without you, I want to touch you, I want to feel you, I want to know more of you JESUS you are all I want.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


It was all like a joke as I never wanted any man in my life and even if I do, not some one like him but the whole thing turned out differently, even much more than I ever thought.
alexia by peter blog

I was on my own when he walked up to me and said, his dad is not a governor neither is he from a rich background but he'd love to help, he promise to give me money to sow seed in church (offering) every Sunday service. I looked at him with surprise because I never asked him anything and did not even know him or want anything from him.

He doesn't look like it, looking rough, not even my kind of man. He's dark, not tall. In fact he's just the opposite of all I want in a man.

I felt cold inside of me for the very first time but never understood what I have gotten myself into, so I said "huumm emm" well okay if its only what you've just said and not more than that. I realized what he meant weeks after.

As days went by the closeness grew. The more I tried to avoid him, the more I fall into him. I did all I could, instead I see myself running into him. So much happened then but he was always there even when I never knew or wanted him.

Every time I needed help, he was always there and the most surprising part of it all is that I never asked him for any help, never told him about any thing. How he gets to know even till this moment I still can't figure it. Its scares me every time I see him around me. He is just like an angel sent to me.

He shows up when I need him the most. I've never seen or been with a man like that, who knows and sees your pains and understands your cry even when you don't talk. Knows when to show up and that makes him appear to me like the perfect man.

I refuse to feel anything for him because I know all my walls and defences are broken even before he opens his mouth to ask which he never did because I never gave him the chance to. Always there with me and for me.

one day as he walked me home for church, I reminded him that he is doing too much and the he is just a friend. He got so upset with his response. I felt the pain in his tone. then I realized I have awaken something strong inside of him and now I can't control it, because I'm also awake and waiting for his first move.

Finally, it happened. I couldn't wait for him to finish what he was saying before I cut in but did not say yes because I became scared and worried about breaking the promises I made to myself and my commitment to other things. But he was just so persistent, bold, strong brave, intelligent, with lovely smile, above all, kind, caring, loving, patient and very understanding with lots of passion...…….

Woke up few days ago and realized that it is our 5 years anniversary……..to be continued

Monday, July 16, 2018



Worship Evening Season 1 Episode II


(RMN 12:1-2)

Intentional worship is the second worship program (episode II) in the year 2018 from Walkers Family, to bring you the best of worship feelings, in a more enjoyable way. A time to worship God from the depth of your heart intentionally, knowing what you're doing and why you're doing it. Rmn 12:1-2 & Jhn 4:20-24

Last Episode (3/04/2018) was super awesome as many turned out to worship God in a dynamic way. BEYOND WORSHP is really a day to remember.
It was with a vision to bringing people together, not just to worship and praise God but to understand the essence of being a worshipper and why we should always worship God. To teach people what true worship is and leading them to Christ. It also had the mission of preaching the good news of Christ (salvation), deliverance, healing, peace, joy, hope and above all love to humanity. Reaching out to the less privilege, helping them develop psychologically, spiritually, and physically.
To help bridge the gap between the high and the low......creating more morals for the child of today.
It is part of our vision to help the needy, widows, orphans and those with special abilities.

This new episode is really going to be an awesome intense worship, as there will be a lot of side attractions like, dancing, drama, and INTENTIONAL worship songs from the heart to the creator. You are all invited as it is really going to be an intentional act for God to blessing his people.

DATE:    19/08/2018
TIME:    4:00pm-7:00pm(WAT)/3:00pm-6:00pm(GMT)
VENUE: RCCG Tabernacle Of Power Parish,
                2 Story B/S Baruwa Inside, Ipaja, Lagos.

Music by:

Pst. Justus Olufelis (the son of glory). Singer, composer/song-writer, pastor, father and a mentor. A man driven with so much power and vision. He is the head pastor of Glorified Peoples Assembly, a church with passion for Christ. He's also a drummer, a worshipper, a praise marshal and had his album lunched last year (TESTIMONY). Have you listened to any of his songs, if no then you really have to get his latest album.

Jeru El (City Of God) An Awe-some singer and song writer with a very strong passion like ours. She is a native of Akure, Oloyemekun, Olomimeji Apejeji lala...born in d 80's, fun and loving. A strong believer, who is in the business of touching lives with her music.

Tosin Israel is a multi talented instrumentalist, who worships and leads you into worship, even without singing. He is a powerful music minister who is always a blessing to all who listens to him sing. Was one of our guest ministers at the last Worship Evening 1 Ep I ( BEYOND WORSHIP) and was a huge blessing to all that were present, with his spirit-filled ministration.

Seun Afolabi, is a worshiper, a drummer, a guitarist, and a keyboardist. He just released a new single, titled IWO NIKAN(ONLY YOU)

Timi Sax, is a saxophonist, a keyboardist and a music director at |RCCG Heaven Of Wisdom Arena. He is a teacher to the core.

Walkers Family, host of the Worship Evening program. A group of young talented music ministers, based in Lagos Nigeria. They came together because of their love for music and passion for the kingdom of God. They specialize in enriching your soul with their spirit filled Pop, Jazz and Hi-Life worship & praise. They also do reggae and hip-hop.
Having the mission to set people free from all forms of operations of life, through music and with a vision to create a peaceful and loving family, irrespective of the tribe, race or denomination in Christ.

Have you also met our partners? They are really awesome and good at what they do. They are simple the best.

 Maxwel Ivey Jr. the blind blogger,

                                                                    Venisa April Radio and TV host of the Xpoze Radio Show

Katherine Winston a talk radio talk show host (Jamaica Funk Radio show)

RCCG Tabernacle Of Power, this is the main venue for the event....a place where God turn the impossible to possible,(solution arena)

Edwin Polini, The Home Made Cash Machine

Map Walker, singer/song writer, talent/artist manager

Praize Wash Hold the best liquid washing soap you can ever get at an affordable price.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Worship Evening

walkers family blog head photo, image for the post and page.
Worship Evening is a gospel musical concert that brings people of different denominations together to worship GOD whole heartedly. It is a direct revelation from the Holy Spirit, which will be coming up quarterly (4 times in a year).

Its vision is to bringing people together to understand the essence of worship, being a worshipper, why we should always worship God, to teach people what true worship is and leading them to Christ.
It also have the mission of preaching the good news of Christ (salvation), deliverance, healing, peace, joy, hope and above all love to humanity. Reaching out to the less privilege, helping them develop psychologically, spiritually, and physically.

To help bridge the gap between the high and the low......creating more morals for the child of today.
"part of our vision to help the needy, widows, orphans and those with special abilities"
It promises to be an evening of spirit filled worship as the young talented ministers and other groups/bands have worked on themselves, physically and spiritually, to lift your soul high and enrich your spirit.

It will be an encounter to remember.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


growing in the spirit

As we all know growth is a constant occurrence in every living creature (animals, plants, human and even nature).
“When you stop growing, you start dying”

Using stagnant water as an example {stagnant water stinks and it is never clean or fresh}
In other words, when you are not growing or not increasing then you stink from within.
Its either you’re growing or you are reducing, adding or subtracting….you can’t be stagnant.
We all need to grow and one of the first steps is to grow spiritually.

Spiritual growth is very important to maximizing every great doors of opportunity opened to us. It is said that the spiritual controls the physical. If you don’t grow in the spirit, you can’t grow in the physical.
Just as our physical body needs food to grow, so our spirit does too.

I will just highlight some simple steps to helps us grow spiritually but before then here are few reasons why we need to grow spiritually.
  • It’s a command form God Eph 4:17-24 and 1Pet 2:2. We need to grow form the milk stage to the meat stage.
  • To stay out of sin. Rmn.7:17-18
  • We need to get matured for some certain things to happen and to also overcome some issues of life.
  • To acquire wisdom and strength.

what it takes to grow spiritually

READINESS AND ACTION: we need to build our minds to the level of wanting more ( I don’t mean greed now, but not wanting to settle for less) you just have to be willing to grow and take calculated actions. Psm 2:13

  • STOP AND START: Stop acting the way you were before and start doing new things. You don’t expect a change if you continue doing the same old thing. Eph 4:22. Stop lying, cheating, stealing, fornication, blasphemy, bitterness, anger, corrupt communications and all appearances of evil. Start being truthful, kind, generous, bold, caring, honest, loyal, thankful and actively doing well. Col 3:10-15.
  • CHANGE YOUR THINKING: the word of God have commanded us to change our mind, Eph4:23. There are lots of ways we can renew our minds…..surround yourself with positive people, thinking positively, read positive books and posts, say positive things, read more of the bible and pray with faith.
  • SACRIFICES: you can also call that good will. The prize you pay for something grater or more valuable is sacrifice. Nothing good comes easy “no pain, no gain” we need to burn the flesh to gain more from life. (DISCIPLINE) bodily exercise profits nothing.

    growing spiritually and what it takes

    Before you embark on any journey, you need to know what you stand to gain from it, what it will cost you and how you can profit from it and help others…..(to grow).
    • It gives you authority in all areas of life. If you can control the spiritual then the physical is under your control because you become a semi-god to everyone and everything around you.
    • It sharpens you mind, strengthen your thoughts and makes you productive. If you can think it, then you can achieve it. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.
    • It helps you stay focused and goal oriented.
    • Gives you clear vision and understanding of where to go , how to act and what to do.
    There is nothing without a disadvantage, be it life or death…. only the creator of the universe.
    Right here no disadvantage because staying positive is a key role in spiritual growth and life in general.
    Please share your ideas, opinions, suggestions or belief with me. Drop your comments and share with friends.
    All written are just part of my own thoughts, feelings and opinion, with no intention to irritate or contradict anyone’s belief. If you belief something else, please share with us.http://mapwalker.strikingly.com/blog/spiritual-growth