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Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2019


Craving for you like the desert craves for water, longing for you like a monkey to a banana. A sight of you oils my lamp and keeps me burning. The more I come close the more I realize that I have to be closer than ever. Words can’t describe how I feel about you. Having you by my side all day long is never enough. Holding you next to me makes me want to see what you are made of. Deep calleth unto deep!!!! I'm still here,craving for more.
Deeper in you is always my next move. Searching through you every day because I can’t live without you, I want to touch you, I want to feel you, I want to know more of you JESUS you are all I want.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


THIS IS ONE OF MY BIGGEST ADDICTION. I have been trying to get over it but the more i try the more i see myself into it.
It is so hard to get my eyes and mind off it, I try all I know how to. Sometimes I wonder why I have to go through all these every now and then. I see the things you do everywhere I go, I feel them, I want them because they are enticing, mouth filling, eye catchy, body teasing and mind blowing. I fight with these thoughts all day long. It get worse each time I get out of my house, as I have to deal with all of these everywhere and when I’m alone, I wonder why I feel this way for them. My addiction makes me feel this way, the urge gets me wondering if I can live without it. It arouses every part of me. The way I feel about you makes me wonder if there is any possibility of surviving outside you. You are everywhere I go. You have taken over my mind, my thought and even the way I do things. You are the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me. You make me want to see another day. The feelings so tender and heartwarming, full of care and body wanting.
How else do I describe all your works and beauty, my Lord, Savior, King, Father and Friend. From behind, I try to imagine your front, how sweet, tender and portable it would be. The more I get closer, the more I want to see and feel you. From your side I wonder what artistic work was done on your by your hands and might. And when I’m in front of you....my addiction
MY ADDICTION to be continued...........

Saturday, June 8, 2019



Professor Duro Oni has been on the staff of the University of Lagos since 1976 and has held various positions including that of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Management Services);Dean, Faculty of Arts; Professor and Head of the Department of Creative Arts: Pioneer Director, Confucius Institute: He was also the Director of the Centre for Cultural Studies. In a career spanning over forty years at the University of Lagos, Prof. Duro Oni initiated and developed degree programme in; Creative Arts(Theatre Arts, Music & Visual Arts) at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, M.Phil. and Ph.D. levels and the Bachelor's Degree in Chinese Studies.

He was also the Director General / CEO of the Federal Government Parastatal, Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC) and Special Assistant/Adviser to the Hon. Minister of Culture and Social Welfare/Youth and Sports from 1990-1992. He holds the BFA and MFA Degrees from the California Institute of the Arts in the United States and a Ph.D. from the University of Ibadan. An academic of repute, Duro Oni has a total of ten books and over sixty articles in reputable journals and chapters in books in the areas of Theatre Arts Design and Aesthetics, Dramatic Literature and Criticism, Management, Cultural Studies and the Nollywood/Nigerian Films.

An Academic, Culture /Theatre Administrator and Production Designer, Duro Oni has also travelled widely and has trained in and or visited the following countries, among others; U.S.A., Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Finland, Spain, Yugoslavia, Bermuda, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Hong Kong, Canada, Barbados, Trinidad, India, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Turkey and a host of African countries including Egypt, Republic du Benin, Togo, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal, Libya, Morocco, South Africa, Kenya, Cote d’Ivoire and Ethiopia.
Prof. Duro Oni is a Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Letters, Fellow of the Society of Nigerian Theatre Artistes (SONTA), Fellow and Advisory Board Member of National Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Practitioners(NANTAP), Senior Overseas Fellow of the Ferguson Centre, Open University in the United Kingdom (2006-2007),Fellow, Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, (RSA),UK.
Prof. Duro Oni, who was born inMinna, Niger State on the 15th of December, 1952 is from Iwoye-Ijesa in Osun state. He is fluent in English, Yoruba and Hausa.
Please meet the man we are all coming to listen to on the 2019 Ras Kimono Memorial Day and delivering the first Ras Kimono Memorial Lecture on Revolutionary Music for Equality and Justice. Please meet the erudite Prof. Duro Oni.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


social media news and latest gist
Ms. Okoro Blessing Nkiruka is a new age social media personality in Nigeria..She is best known on social media as CEO. She is young, pretty and daring. She has 230K followers on her Instagram page, she is a Public figure, Relationship expert, Storyteller, Brand Influencer, Founder of breakormakeup concept, Leading relationship blog –BOM-
She is social media savvy. She has used social media to bolster and peddle her hunger for power, privilege, recognition and deception. She has a quarter of a million followers that she sells her image and garbage to. She is living it all up on social media,
social media life and blog stories
except that her “living it all up’ is fabricated and perceptually misleading. Over the weekend, she got burst when she went to a home, armed with her cellphone to intrude, trespass and invade the privacy of private citizens and owners of the home and property; that plushy home, to rudely take pictures, record a video of the living room of the home and shared on her Instagram page or blog as her new upscale Home she recently purchased.

But her luck ran out. She was caught by owners of the house as she trespassed, humiliated before their camera. What is wrong with today’s young social media influencers: her fraudulent and fake social media life caught up with her!: a painful loss of pride.

It is my understanding that young CEO had fraudulently asked those that wished to use her services, as a product endorser, to pay. Innocent merchants have allegedly paid her and she had refused to hold her own end of their deal, defrauded then.
house not her own blog
these videos have gone viral... But most comments are defending her with silly sentiments and proffer excuses for her invasion of a family's home, tried to blame the owner of the home she intruded, for using excessive force to detain and subsequently humiliated her. This is the problem with Nigerians: always offer excuses in defense of crimes and criminals. What CEO did was a violation of a family’s rights to live happily. She invaded their privacy.

Her desire to continuously mislead her followers with her lies and imaginations of a well lived lifestyle blew up in her face and you want to feel sorry for her?. She went to fabricate her imagination to deceive her 230K followers and perhaps, business partners…she could have also arranged a kidnapping or armed robbery exercise at this household or scout it as a possible future hit home for illicit and dangerous robbery and or kidnapping operations, considering the climate of insecurity in Nigeria. The man had every right to deal ruthlessly with any trespasser to his property. That was his home; he had every right to protect his family and property against an intruder. The family was in their home and property when a rude stranger walked in, disrespected them and assaulted their privacy.
social media new and blog post latest
She should be thankful she walked out there alive. You break into my home, intruded in my family’s privacy, liberty and the rights to live freely and happily, I will break your skull. She violated the man and his family because of her greed.
the real owner of the house stories trending.

He has every right to defend and protect his family. If you came into my property and residence, uninvited, to invade my privacy, "you will leave in a body bag" so funny just as this quotes sounds but its the simple truth.
blogger social media story teller
There will be no need for handcuffs after I burst her knee caps before I call the police. She trespassed with a Cellphone, illegally took pictures of my home, recorded inside of the home, while trespassing. She was an intruder and should be treated as such. She came to my house, my property. . She went the extreme to seek fame and justify her fake lavish living. She wan be senior girl nah, let her pay for the consequences of living a sham life. The gate-men should be treated as accomplices to this crime

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


I want to increase my computer knowledge. I need a better job that will allow me do other things. I want to learn sewing. I need another apartment. I need to enrol in a music class... I need this, I need that, I want to do this, I want to do that. Too many things to do with little or no assistance....


How many can I achieve all by myself? How do I go about achieving all these. I've learnt something about myself...... I hardly get help from people, I always have to do it all by myself.

I wish families are there to assist, it would have been so easy and nice. I just need help, I need helping hands. Who do I run to apart from myself? Its just like I have everyone around me and still have to fix it all by myself. I need a job to help push my ministry, but its just a side hustle. I don't know what to do or who to run to. I need help so so so bad. I don't want to regret coming back here. The pressure is too much.

Seven good years, just like seven days, I've had to much experience for something to start taking place, I've tried all my very best to walk and run. I've fallen and risen, been hurt and healed, I've starved, been broken, weak, bullied, abused but I pick my broken piece and comfort myself.

Just me, myself and I. I've cried rivers and seen desert. Family made me feels like I picked the wrong choice. I've been promised and failed. I was hated and beaten blue black, my body have been bruised, flogged with broom and all sort of weeps, my hair have been pulled and dragged to the ground.

My relationship is not the way I want it to be so I have to make it work. I have no choice but to love above all. I need an answer to these few prayers of mine. I don't know where I'm heading to, I need a direction. the way is too narrow and full of thorns of all kinds.

My head hurts with so much thoughts, my eyes hurt with too much tears, huuummmm...... no amount of secret tears can help the situation.

O God, I just don't know how to express myself to you, use me as an evidence of change in my generation.....

Who's out there.....somebody....... anybody........I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2018


Hey, life is never the way we expects it to be.... Never had it funny, even though things fell apart or never goes my way, I still have to push through.
photo used by map walker for alexa
My name is Alexa and here is a little about my new life

My growing up was hell, but there is a God who sees me through at all time, no matter how hard it comes, I've always had a way out. But right now I'm so full of hate and resentment. Everything is coming so soon.

You don't have to be in a rush. Why rushing for what you'll live with for the rest of your life? Why working my body to the passion of your body. I'm changing, my body is growing older, stronger and vulnerable. I'm getting weak, feeling too much passion burning inside of me, thanks to your help.

I shake to ask you in, I'm scared to allow your touch. Why cant you see this through my eyes or feel it in your mind? Why are you letting go of your first promise? why is your body always hot when it comes around mine. Do you really think you love me? You do things this days that scares the peace out of my soul.

I wanna run away and never come back because you've broken my walls, taken my strength, destroyed my belief, shattered my hopes and have made me someone I wasn't ready to be now....If only I saw it coming this soon, even when I sensed the signs, I still never believed it.

Help! Help!! Help!!! is all I'm crying for now. We need help. From just a hug to cuddling, now we kiss so passionately that it scares me to even touch you further, in short no part of me is hidden anymore, all that remains now is for you to get me naked and put your damn whatever down here.

You cant help it anymore, your passion have grown out of control and I see it coming in no time you because you've worked my body t your rhythm, to the fire burning inside of you.

Logan, I'm talking to you. We need help. No more talking, you are too free, like its your right, like whatever happens, you don't care. Give me space you said no, give me time you're still saying no. I really need to put myself back. you finally wants to take the only thing I have left. Can that be love? Is that what you call love? I'm asking you Logan.

I have no education, no certificate, no handwork, no trade learnt, no money, no home, no friends, no close family or relatives. Thought I called you my friend.
My family said I was coming back to you just to get pregnant and you making my biggest fear to appear real. Is that what you want for us, you said no. Then, why can you just let go of me since the passion and the sex thing is getting too much

What is the big deal in letting go.  Why telling someone you love them when all you do is put them in pains.

you know I have so much killing me already. Sometimes I allow you to do that just to see if that will help take some of the pains and heart aches away, but each time we do that..,...they even get worse.

you promised not to come between me and my first love, but here you are doing the opposite and still having to courage to enter his presence with our smelling body, huummm.... What do you really want? I'm asking again. Do you want my down fall or my rising? You are killing me spiritually. Please help me and not use me.

I've told you before, go out there, you have my permission. Go and do whatever you want just to please your flesh, staying for ages wont help either of us. I've given you the hurtful freedom to do that. If you really want to get married to me, then you don't have to take away the only precious treasure I have left. You cant eat your cake and have it....never.

Please respect the space I asked for and I promise all will be well with us. I don't see us coming out of this well. please I beg you.

This is exactly the reason I broke up with my ex....every guy wants the same thing and its really killing me.......

Please help me so I can help you too.....................

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


photo album, profile, awards

Yesterday, Monday June 25, 2018 the ultra-modern COSON Arena located within the magnificent COSON HOUSE was on filled to the brim as friends, family and well-wishers gathered to celebrate COSON President/Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji who was on the day honoured with an international award from THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND POLITICS, GHANA WITH THE PRETISGIOUS LIFE TIME SENIOR FELLOWSHIP RECOGNITION for his enviable and impressive track record as a legendary and greatly accomplished public service personality and resourceful statesman who continues to make tremendous contributions towards National Development for the progress, peace and unity of One Nigeria.

Speaking at the event, Dr Richards Ikpada – Kpoku, Executive Director of the Institute, said ‘‘We are here on this auspicious state visit on behalf of the Advisory Board and Governing Council to confer and honor one of Nigeria’s transformational leaders, a first class corporate technocrat of international repute and a most patriotic Nation builder, Chief Tony Okoroji with a prestigious Lifetime Senior Fellowship Recognition Award following his impressive and enviable track record as a legendary, greatly accomplished public service personality and resourceful statesman who has made tremendous contributions towards national development for the progress, peace and unity of One Nigeria and the African continent.
‘‘The Chartered Institute of Public Resources, Management and Politics of the Peoples Republic of Ghana having carried out five years intensive research on Chief Okoroji’s personality is indeed very proud of his uprightness, unassailable statesmanship, pedigree, vast managerial acumen and sterling initiatives on intellectual property which has revolutionized COSON to meet up with global etiquettes and standards.’’

photo on the award day

Receiving the award, the COSON Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji expressed his gratitude to everyone present at the arena and to the fellows of the institute for such an honour stating that he was truly humbled to be honoured with such a prestigious award.
Chief Tony Okoroji was then inducted into the institute’s 2018 Fellowship Hall of Fame.
It will be recalled that in May, 2018, Chief Okoroji was honoured by Lagos State University (LASU) with a special award presented to Okoroji by LASU Vice Chancellor, Prof. Olanrewaju Fagbohun.
In February, Chief Tony Okoroji who last year was presented by Nigeria’s City People magazine with the “Pillar of Entertainment in Nigeria” award was bestowed with the prestigious “Africa’s Patriotic Personality Award”, by the League of African Development Students (LEADS Africa) – an umbrella body of democratic Students Unions from different countries in Africa.
He was also earlier in the year honoured by the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS)
In April, 2018, the COSON Chairman bagged an Award of Excellence for his outstanding leadership in the Entertainment Industry from the Edo State Chapter of the Performing Musicians’ Association of Nigeria (PMAN) which award was presented by the state PMAN Chairman, Comrade Willy Eghe Nova.
Chief Tony Okoroji is one man that is highly respected for his love, care, support, hard work, transparency, dedication, commitment, patriotism and intelligence both in Nigeria and beyond. That is one of the reason he is always recognised anywhere he goes or his name is mentioned. He has done so much and still doing more for the Nigerian Music Industry

for the award

Almost from every direction, Chief Tony Okoroji’s unassailable contributions and achievements of several years of unbroken service to national and international development is receiving great accolades.
With his experience, expertise and passion for growth in music and intellectual property right, he has helped music artists in Nigeria to understand their rights, fight for what is theirs and become more creative by creating an access to gain or be paid from their work.
One of the reason why COSON still stands is as a result of his understanding of human and intellectual property right, his strength to stand the test of time, and always driving with a full thank of faith.

photo award chief tony okoroji

He is a loving father, a great teacher, a wonderful leader, and an awesome mentor.
No one works with him without improving, learning more or growing. He is fearless and hates dishonesty.

alex okoroji, nkem okoroji and chief tony okoroji photo

His ideas and knowledge in the creative and entertainment industry have been extended to other parts of the world of which Ghana is an example.

tolu,simi photo on award dayreceiving awards photo

photos board members and directors coson
photo, album, award 

Peter Map Walker for TOPS

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


birthday, happy birthday kasi the june 12 girl


As Nigerians stayed on the line in the sun and in the rain on ...that historic day, June 12, 1993, to vote for Moshood Abiola to become President of Africa’s most populous nation, in what is still regarded as Nigeria’s freest and fairest elections ever, a child of destiny was born.
That child of destiny has grown up with unmatched talent, never-say-die spirit and incomparable determination to conquer the world. Her name is KASI "the June 12 girl"
Recently, the introduction of Nigerians to the world of KASI, the enchanting multi-talented June 12 girl began. There is no question that pretty soon, everyone will be very familiar with the very talented young lady who writes songs like no other, sings like no other, dances like no other, draws like no other and who has created the fascinating fashion line called ‘Real KASI.
cloth line design and color by kasi the june 12 girl

Speaking about her historic birthday, the power bike riding KASI says “I do not believe that my birth is an accident. June 12 1993 will remain a remarkable day in Nigerian history. That was the day Nigerians tasted unity. On June 12, the late Moshood Abiola, a Yoruba Muslim found favour across Nigeria from people of all tribes and people of all religions who threw tribe and religion into the dustbin and voted for him. Nigerians were united in support of Abiola. In the same way, I pray to find favour from Nigerians from the East, the West, the North and everywhere. As a child of June 12, I want to use my music, my fashion and art to bring unity to my country.
Abiola was a world-wide phenomenon, both in business and politics. I am determined to be a world-wide phenomenon in the creative industry where I belong. That is why I work so hard to be on top of my game. I am conscious of the circumstances of my birth. I am determined to be the best that anyone in my industry can be and I promise not to let Nigerians down.
riding my bike and a photo pose

“I am aware that the June 12 1993 elections were annulled. The memories have however refused to go away. Every year, people across the country continue to celebrate June 12, my birthday. Finally, the President has declared my birthday a national holiday to be celebrated across the nation. I am so elated and grateful. Thank you, Mr. President. By His grace, my march to the top of global entertainment will not be annulled because I fly the flag of history. I am a Christian but my music, fashion and art will touch the hearts of Muslims and people of other religions. My parents come from the South East of Nigeria while I grew up in the South West. I sing in English, Igbo and Yoruba. I am trying to learn Hausa and other Nigerian languages. I want to touch people wherever they are. Quote me. People everywhere will rock to the music of KASI and hang my artworks in precious places and wear Real KASI like no other fashion line. I know for sure that my June 12 birthday is not an accident. It is a mark of destiny”.

Hope your special day brings you all your heart desires
Wishing you another year of great opportunities, achievements and personal growth.


from all of us @ TOPS

Just in case you don't know, the June 12 girl have released two singles “LOVINJAITIS”  her thumping dance song guaranteed to get everyone gyrating on the dance floor for months and “IFUNANYA”  a touching love song which will show the wide range of the talent of this young lady who is sure to be one of Nigeria’s most wanted performers in the years to come.

To download/listen to any of her songs, just click on the song title and it will take you to the page.

the entertainment headquaarters

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Little More About Peter Map Walker

What do you know about Peter Map Walker......?

photo edited by me
How well do you know the guy in the photo, Peter Map Walker.....? What can you say about him....well if you don't know much, here are some things about Peter Map Walker that you really don't know or you've never taken note of and some of the reasons why He Is Tough..

coson in the church
Peter Map Walker possesses the talent and musical passion to turn heads in the entertainment/music industry with his charisma, astounding studio resume, and his street credibility all obtained at such a young age. He began rapping at the age of twelve participating in schoolyard battles and ciphers, MAP spent his early years in Gowon Estate, Lagos, where he was oppressed and intimidated by his childhood friends and neighboring children but he never gave up on being who he had always wanted to be.... In 1998 he and his parent moved to Gemade Estate, where he went through hell.......living life to the fullest (from hand to mouth), enjoying it however it comes (finding fun in himself), sometime staying for days without food, not because he did not want to eat but because his parent could not provide for him and his 3 siblings then..

His dad lost his job and mother also had financial issues, resulting them selling most of their properties and cars just to survive, but He never gave up on his dreams neither did he ever mixed his emotions with his feelings.
He is a real Lagos boy to say because he has been in Lagos from the day of birth till date. His passion for rapping helped keep him focused. He continued to work on his rapping/managing skills and formed a rap group called T2K Crew in 2005 with friend Johnny Nash and Chi byk. Two years later MAP met HL who helped him improve on his rapping skill.
In 2010 MAP Shomex, Ladida, 5th Element, L.A and Simon and they worked together at Gikro Records. In 2011 he (MAP) did his very first studio recording titled Swag, featuring Shomex and Simon, followed with a mix tape titled Gowon Estate in 2012 featuring Timi, Shomex and Ladida which got him a nominated for the MIA Awards in USA.
Through thick and thin MAP stood his ground and fought for his future, never allowing circumstances deprive him of his right.
MAP's Keeps the Hits Coming with the release of the song "Ko Ma Ro" in 2013, MAP the rapper has secured his spot as a popular rap artist. Then followed She Don’t Want to Love, A Man Like Me, and Gbesunmomi.
2014 MAP came out with his first gospel single LIFT JESUS HIGHER to glorify God for his blessing on the earth, then followed
photo from one of his hit tracks
H.C.I.M.....2015 Map came up with another single titled Me Love, and two powerful collaborations with Hood Made Gang from South Africa and Da-lil-one from USA. 2016 MAP got the opportunity to meet with STARS from TOPs Records. The likes of G-wilz (the rapper who is lyrically licensed to kill), Kul-GP, Dolzi (the King of Melody), Kasi (the June 12 girl) and others.
MAP also did other freestyles just to keep the flow coming and he is still on the GAME
As side hustle he Barb's hair and loves to teach, as he had also taught in schools, all to put money in his pocket and food on his table.

It has never been easy on him, sometimes he works for free not just for the passion but sometimes the people will either decide not to pay him because of his humble and quiet nature, or just to test his patience. Yet he did not give up on his dreams and passion but rather gets stronger with time.
Recently he worked with a famous Nigerian Actress and Musician, where he learnt so much about public relationship, social media, content creating, web designing and many more.

Gat a question for you all……..
Who’s as Tough as Peter Map Walker who have stood the test of time and made a way for himself through God, humility and patience…
selfie by me, they thought they could bury me.

Do you know that MAP real name is Peter Asiegbu?

MAP Says...
"I'm a product of Rap/hip-hop. That's all I listen to what I grew up on, besides what my parents had going on in the house. It's definitely hip-hop first and everything else is just distant." Lol that’s for when I was growing up but now…..
God first then any other thing follows….