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Monday, April 20, 2020



coson chairman chief tony okoroji

As a result of the extension of the lockdown across the country which has increased the hardship of the citizens and made entertainment activities impossible all over the nation, the Board of Nigeria’s biggest and most respected copyright collective management organization, COSON, has approved an additional sum of =N=22.5 Million as Anti-Coronavirus Emergency Relief Distribution to its members. This is in addition to the =N=50 Million originally approved.
Speaking on the development, COSON Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji said, “starting immediately, with the co-operation of the banks, each of about 4,500 qualified members of COSON will receive an alert for an additional sum of Five Thousand Naira added to the initial sum of eleven thousand naira in the Anti-Coronavirus Emergency Relief (ACER) General Distribution. Those who for any reason have not received the initial Eleven Thousand Naira will receive a straight-forward Sixteen Thousand Naira. If this helps some of our members to buy some garri or some rice, we will be happy. We truly wish we could do more and we would have been able to do more if not for the constant irrational harassment and the many obstacles placed on our way by a government agency which has completely misunderstood its mandate. Is it not terrible that in these hard times, no one apart from COSON appears to be doing anything for the Nigerian artiste?
“I am in touch with many members of COSON who are in need of continued assistance. Other members of our Board are receiving similar messages. It is our sacred duty to provide for our members and we will not shake that duty. COSON must continue to be responsible and responsive to the needs of those we serve and there should be no excuse not to help them wade through these very difficult times.
“I am once again proud of the quick response of members of the COSON Board who have shown great understanding that we must continue to be our brothers’ keeper. I am also proud of the COSON management team of Vincent Adawaisi, Isa Aruna, Anthony Imuse and Tolu Balogun who have ensured that every instruction of the Board is executed with dispatch”.
Said Chief Okoroji, “From the beginning, we took a decision that COSON would be a world class organization, transparent, accountable, credible and totally focused on the well-being of its members. Once you walk into the magnificent COSON House in Ikeja, you cannot but feel an organization run on the cutting edge of management and technology. The well laid out sparkling clean environment and the quality of the staff will immediately tell you that this is not your typical Nigerian organization. That is why some cannot stop themselves from throwing stones at us.
“I know that we cannot please everyone but we are working very hard every day to lift up the musicians of Nigeria, promote and defend our industry and provide visible solutions to the challenges of our members. I very well know that much of the attack on COSON is a product of envy. We have consistently done that which many thought was impossible in Nigeria. We have absolutely no interest in the cantankerous name calling and rabid character assassination which many appear to dwell in. We are not interested because none of the squabbling will provide one cup of rice for the Nigerian musician or one cube of sugar for his tea”.
Concluded Chief Okoroji, “I know that questions will be asked whether COSON can afford this additional palliative in the light of the present circumstances. My answer is that with prudent management, we can. It is fraud and stealing that make things impossible in Nigeria. In keeping with our tradition, no hanky-panky or shady dealing will be tolerated in the disbursements. I will continue to provide consistent updates. At the end of the exercise, the minutest details of the disbursements will be brought before the Board and the General Assembly for thorough examination and ratification”.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020




Starting from Tuesday evening, thousands of musicians across the country would receive bank alerts as Anti-Corona Emergency Relief Distribution from COSON, Nigeria’s biggest and most respected Copyright Collective Management Organization. The distribution is in reaction to the hardship and distress being faced by many musicians in Nigeria who have been affected by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the current lockdown which has also stopped entertainment activities across the country.
For the distribution, the COSON Board has approved the sum of 50 Million Naira to be shared amongst about 4,500 members on the society’s register as at May 19, 2019. In the midst of the current
crisis and following several S.O.S. messages from COSON members facing deep hardship all over the nation, the COSON Board over the weekend, met online in an emergency session and after vigorous discussions, approved the distribution.
Speaking on the development, COSON Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji said, “I have personally received calls from several members of COSON who are desperate for immediate assistance of any kind. Other members of our Board have received similar messages. At a time like this, COSON must be responsible and responsive to the needs of our members and we should do everything we can to help them wade through these hard times. That is the very reason why COSON was set up. I am proud of the quick response of members of the COSON Board who showed great understanding that we must be our brothers’ keeper at a time like this.
“Starting immediately, with the co-operation of the banks, each qualified member of COSON will receive a modest sum of eleven thousand naira in what we have termed Anti-Coronavirus Emergency Relief (ACER) General Distribution. We are able to do this because of the deft management of our resources. We wish we could do more. I however believe that most people are aware of what we have been through in recent times. Let me thank the COSON management team of Vincent Adawaisi, Isa Aruna and Anthony Imuse who burnt the midnight oil to ensure that the decision of the Board is executed with dispatch”.
On outstanding Specific Distributions, the COSON Chairman said, “Every member of the Board is very eager that all outstanding specific distributions should be paid without any delay. The issue was prominent in our discussions on the emergency relief distribution. While the Board and the General Assembly have approved the specific distributions, it is common knowledge that COSON funds in two banks are frozen. The money for the specific distributions is domiciled in the frozen accounts. The money is safe. Not one Naira is missing. It is also common knowledge that we have gone to court to have the accounts unfrozen and immediately that happens, the money will be paid. In any case, all those entitled to Specific distribution will also receive the Anti-Coronavirus Emergency Relief (ACER) General Distribution.
“It is unfortunate that it is some of our colleagues that requested the banks to freeze the accounts which has brought this suffering to innocent COSON members and even to those who took the action. That is why we need to be very careful about what we say and what we do.”
“I hope that we will use this very challenging period to think deeply. We have built COSON to be there for musicians through thick and thin. We work hard to ensure that COSON takes care of musicians while they are alive and celebrates them even in death. Has anyone forgotten how in an unprecedented manner we buried the late Ras Kimono like a king?
Said the COSON Chairman, “Some people may think that because things are going well for them today, they will never need COSON. I have been in the industry long enough to know that the day will come when each of us needs an institution like COSON. When I hear people in our industry call on government to clamp down on COSON or that those who owe us money should not pay us, I ask why anyone would choose to urinate into a well from which he might soon draw water to drink when he is desperately thirsty”
Concluded Chief Okoroji, “I know that I cannot please everyone but I am working hard every day to lift up the musicians of Nigeria, promote and defend our industry and provide visible solutions to the problems of each of us. I have absolutely no interest in the cantankerous name calling and rabid character assassination which many appear to dwell in and which do not provide even one cup of garri for any Nigerian artiste or one cube of Maggi for his pot of soup”.
COSON...Let The Music Pay!

Friday, March 20, 2020



Mr. James Ononiwu of Whitedove Solicitors, renowned lawyer to Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON) has swiftly reacted to a media statement jointly issued by Efe Omorogbe who led the failed 2017 “coup’ in COSON and his friend, Ibukun “Aibee” Abidoye of Chocolate City Music.

In separate but similar letters to Mr. Omorogbe and Ms. Abidoye titled “WARNING!” and dated March 20, 2020, Mr. Ononiwu took serious issues with the duo for attacking the 10 billion naira lawsuit recently filed by COSON against the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC).  

In his letter to Omorogbe, Mr. Ononiwu wrote, “Our attention has been drawn to an ill-advised statement dated March 19, 2020 credited to you and one Ibukun “Aibee” Abidoye in which you went on a tirade against our client in what is clearly another attempt to damage the image and hard won reputation of our client.
“We are not unaware of the likely frustration you may be going through as a result of the calamitous and disgraceful failure of your plot to hijack the Chairmanship of COSON and take over the society in 2017, a plot which the members of COSON overwhelmingly shot down. You are obviously unhappy that despite everything you have thrown at our client, in your rage at the wholesale rejection by the members of our client of your plot to take over COSON, our client continues to stand tall.
“We however did not believe that your desperation will get to the point where you will completely throw caution to the wind and publicly and openly become the judge in an important matter before a court of competent jurisdiction in which you are not even a party. How dare you!!!
Continued Mr. Ononiwu, “It appears that after three years of your misadventure, you are still daydreaming of leading COSON, an organization you have done everything to strangulate and impose punishment on its innocent members. Be told that your current attempt to desecrate the temple of justice will not be laughed at.
“Are you saying that the Nigerian Copyright Commission with its battery of lawyers is not competent to defend itself with respect to the weighty issues our client has brought to court or are you confirming the wide speculation that you have been working hand in hand with some people in the NCC in the attempt to strangulate COSON and impoverish the thousands of members of COSON? Are you saying that COSON which has been built on the constant questioning of the law no longer has any right to go to court to question the use or misuse of Nigerian law? Meanwhile, both you and Ms. Abidoye’s company are in court seeking judgment against our client!”

The fiery Lagos lawyer concluded by warning Efe Omorogbe and “Aibee Abidoye”. In the words of Mr. Ononiwu, “You are hereby severely warned that Nigeria remains a nation of laws and if you do not caution yourself and desist henceforth from being a self-appointed judge, publicly commenting and passing judgment on any of our client’s cases before any court of law, we will ensure that the full weight of the law is brought against you without any further reference to you”