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Thursday, June 7, 2018


growing in the spirit

As we all know growth is a constant occurrence in every living creature (animals, plants, human and even nature).
“When you stop growing, you start dying”

Using stagnant water as an example {stagnant water stinks and it is never clean or fresh}
In other words, when you are not growing or not increasing then you stink from within.
Its either you’re growing or you are reducing, adding or subtracting….you can’t be stagnant.
We all need to grow and one of the first steps is to grow spiritually.

Spiritual growth is very important to maximizing every great doors of opportunity opened to us. It is said that the spiritual controls the physical. If you don’t grow in the spirit, you can’t grow in the physical.
Just as our physical body needs food to grow, so our spirit does too.

I will just highlight some simple steps to helps us grow spiritually but before then here are few reasons why we need to grow spiritually.
  • It’s a command form God Eph 4:17-24 and 1Pet 2:2. We need to grow form the milk stage to the meat stage.
  • To stay out of sin. Rmn.7:17-18
  • We need to get matured for some certain things to happen and to also overcome some issues of life.
  • To acquire wisdom and strength.

what it takes to grow spiritually

READINESS AND ACTION: we need to build our minds to the level of wanting more ( I don’t mean greed now, but not wanting to settle for less) you just have to be willing to grow and take calculated actions. Psm 2:13

  • STOP AND START: Stop acting the way you were before and start doing new things. You don’t expect a change if you continue doing the same old thing. Eph 4:22. Stop lying, cheating, stealing, fornication, blasphemy, bitterness, anger, corrupt communications and all appearances of evil. Start being truthful, kind, generous, bold, caring, honest, loyal, thankful and actively doing well. Col 3:10-15.
  • CHANGE YOUR THINKING: the word of God have commanded us to change our mind, Eph4:23. There are lots of ways we can renew our minds…..surround yourself with positive people, thinking positively, read positive books and posts, say positive things, read more of the bible and pray with faith.
  • SACRIFICES: you can also call that good will. The prize you pay for something grater or more valuable is sacrifice. Nothing good comes easy “no pain, no gain” we need to burn the flesh to gain more from life. (DISCIPLINE) bodily exercise profits nothing.

    growing spiritually and what it takes

    Before you embark on any journey, you need to know what you stand to gain from it, what it will cost you and how you can profit from it and help others…..(to grow).
    • It gives you authority in all areas of life. If you can control the spiritual then the physical is under your control because you become a semi-god to everyone and everything around you.
    • It sharpens you mind, strengthen your thoughts and makes you productive. If you can think it, then you can achieve it. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.
    • It helps you stay focused and goal oriented.
    • Gives you clear vision and understanding of where to go , how to act and what to do.
    There is nothing without a disadvantage, be it life or death…. only the creator of the universe.
    Right here no disadvantage because staying positive is a key role in spiritual growth and life in general.
    Please share your ideas, opinions, suggestions or belief with me. Drop your comments and share with friends.
    All written are just part of my own thoughts, feelings and opinion, with no intention to irritate or contradict anyone’s belief. If you belief something else, please share with us.http://mapwalker.strikingly.com/blog/spiritual-growth

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