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Friday, October 25, 2019

What I Love To Do

photo of peter asiegbu
What I Love To Do

When you set out to do what you love,
you find out that life is stress free (but never forget the adversaries you have. Those that try to bring you down or see you fail)....

When you do the things you love with passion you get to understand the powers you possess and how much you can do.You understand your strength and weaknesses. You become conscious of yourself and your environment because you want to give your best at all time.

Love is said to be the greatest of all commandments and attitude/action.

If you love yourself, you will also love other. If you love yourself, you wont hurt others. If you love yourself, you won't allow anyone to talk you down....I'm not talking of pride or egoistic attitude here.


  • Take your time out.
  • List the things you love to do
  • List the ones you know how to do best
  • List the ones you need to improve on
  • List the ones you would love to learn
  • Lastly, start doing them....

Monday, October 14, 2019


Craving for you like the desert craves for water, longing for you like a monkey to a banana. A sight of you oils my lamp and keeps me burning. The more I come close the more I realize that I have to be closer than ever. Words can’t describe how I feel about you. Having you by my side all day long is never enough. Holding you next to me makes me want to see what you are made of. Deep calleth unto deep!!!! I'm still here,craving for more.
Deeper in you is always my next move. Searching through you every day because I can’t live without you, I want to touch you, I want to feel you, I want to know more of you JESUS you are all I want.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


THIS IS ONE OF MY BIGGEST ADDICTION. I have been trying to get over it but the more i try the more i see myself into it.
It is so hard to get my eyes and mind off it, I try all I know how to. Sometimes I wonder why I have to go through all these every now and then. I see the things you do everywhere I go, I feel them, I want them because they are enticing, mouth filling, eye catchy, body teasing and mind blowing. I fight with these thoughts all day long. It get worse each time I get out of my house, as I have to deal with all of these everywhere and when I’m alone, I wonder why I feel this way for them. My addiction makes me feel this way, the urge gets me wondering if I can live without it. It arouses every part of me. The way I feel about you makes me wonder if there is any possibility of surviving outside you. You are everywhere I go. You have taken over my mind, my thought and even the way I do things. You are the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me. You make me want to see another day. The feelings so tender and heartwarming, full of care and body wanting.
How else do I describe all your works and beauty, my Lord, Savior, King, Father and Friend. From behind, I try to imagine your front, how sweet, tender and portable it would be. The more I get closer, the more I want to see and feel you. From your side I wonder what artistic work was done on your by your hands and might. And when I’m in front of you....my addiction
MY ADDICTION to be continued...........